1.     Personal data is kept securely and will only used for the purpose for which it was collected. It will not be passed on to anyone else (viz. only to committee members, to the EBU and the HBA. It will not be passed on to other members without the person’s permission. The same rules applies to guests’ information


2.     Members must give express permission for their email address and other details to be kept and used by designated people as above. They have the right to refuse, but should understand that they then will not receive anything from the club, the EBU or the HBA.


3.     Paper records of personal data will be kept locked, with a note of the key holders.


4.     Computer records will only be accessible to appropriate people ie they must be kept locked or encrypted.


5.     If a person stops becoming a committee member their access to the records will be eliminated. If a list is held on their personal computer, they should erase that record.


6.     E mails to groups of people should be blind copied (BCC).


7.     Members may request the deletion of their data at any time


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